Funding Helps Grassroots Work On Mental Health

Monday 19 April 2021

Community groups and key peak bodies will be able to keep the conversation going about Victoria’s mental health reform at a local level, thanks to a $750,000 Andrew Labor Government investment.

Minister for Mental Health James Merlino today announced 16 community groups and peak bodies will share in the funding to support targeted engagement with their members and communities.

The organisations will use the grants to host forums and events, communicate with their members and the wider community on the key reforms and next steps to deliver all 65 recommendations of the landmark royal commission.

This funding is an important and necessary next step to ensure more Victorians have an opportunity to deepen their understanding of the redesign of Victorian’s mental health and wellbeing system.

  • Tandem
  • Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO)
  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF)
  • Health and Community Services Union (HACSU)
  • Australian Services Union (ASU)
  • Youth Affairs Council Victoria (YACVic)
  • Thorne Harbour Health
  • Council on the Ageing (COTA) Victoria
  • SANE
  • Australians for Mental Health
  • Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria
  • Women’s Mental Health Alliance Victoria
  • Victorian Men’s Shed Association
  • National Centre for Farmer’s Health

The landmark final Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System report sets out a vision for a system redesign which requires engagement and collaboration across the system and in the community to ensure the delivery of all recommendations.

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier and Minister for Mental Health James Merlino

The Royal Commission’s final report puts forward an ambitious and bold agenda, which is why ensuring all Victorians understand these reforms and what’s involved is so important.”

“Grassroots conversations are crucial to keeping people connected with the fundamental changes and updates as we embark on this generational rebuild of Victoria’s mental health system.”

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