Funding For Eating Disorders Projects

Thursday 30 April 2015

Four major service providers will share in $2.1 million for targeted projects aimed at strengthening early intervention for eating disorders and improving support for individuals, their carers and the mental health workforce.

The Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders will receive $1.3 million, comprising $1 million for early intervention measures for people showing signs of an eating disorder in primary care settings and $360,000 for strengthening the way services respond.

Eating Disorders Victoria will receive $350,726, comprising $300,726 to enhance the skills of general practitioners and primary health care providers in recognising and responding to eating disorders and $50,000 for the development of a mobile phone application.

Headspace will receive $400,000 to develop an early intervention model for secondary school students andAustin Health will receive $29,565 for capital improvements to a five-bed specialist eating disorders unit, through the refurbishment of the Eating Disorders Group Room and Dining Room.

The Andrews Labor Government has committed to a 10-year Mental Health Plan for Victoria, which will be developed in consultation with consumers, carers, mental health workers and service providers.

The 10-year plan will give everyone – consumers, carers, communities, service providers and workers - more certainty, more scope for action and more opportunities to shape the way mental health and wellbeing is supported in Victoria.

Strengthening early intervention for mental illness, including eating disorders, and generating system improvements to support individuals, their carers and the mental health workforce will form part of the plan.

 Quotes attributable to Minister for Mental Health, Martin Foley

Eating disorders can have a severe impact on the physical, social and emotional development of an individual. The Andrews Labor Government is committed to improving the way we deal with the problem.”

“We know that people with eating disorders respond best when assertive medical and mental health assessment and treatment are provided early. This funding will help advance that goal.