Funding For Bushfire-Recovery Assistance

Thursday 20 September 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is providing more than $4.3 million to support projects that are helping communities recover from major bushfires.

Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino announced today that as part of this funding boost, more than $2.6 million will be invested in long-term recovery activities in the Barwon South West region, following the significant fires in March this year.

The funding will support a range of key initiatives, including:

  • Additional staff to oversee recovery activities and support the work of local councils
  • Rehabilitation of land impacted by the fires
  • An expanded weed-management program in the fire-impacted areas.
  • Community events, outreach programs and other activities aimed at building community resilience and engagement

This funding is in addition to the Personal Hardship Assistance Payments and Emergency Re-Establishment Assistance – provided through the joint Commonwealth-State Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements – which were made available earlier this year.

Mr Merlino also announced today additional funding of almost $1.7 million for Colac Otway Shire, so the council can complete storm-water reticulation works required following the 2015 Wye River-Separation Creek fires.

These important works will limit erosion in the two towns, therefore significantly reducing the risk of landslides.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino

“We want to support all communities affected by natural disasters, both in the initial emergency response and during relief and recovery.”

“Many people in the south-west of the state continue to be impacted by the St Patrick’s Day fires, so today’s announcement provides much-needed funding for a range of important projects and initiatives.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“People impacted by the St Patrick’s Day fires have been working around the clock to restore some order to their lives - these funds recognise the significance of the event and the hard work of individuals, community organisations and local councils at the time and every day since.”