Funding Boost For Corangamite’s Agribusiness Sector

Wednesday 25 July 2018

The agriculture sector in Corangamite Shire will soon be transporting produce to market in better quality and safer thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford today announced in the Victorian Parliament a $260,000 investment from the Labor Government for three projects in the shire from Round Two of the Local Roads to Market program.

The grant, along with a co-investment from Corangamite Shire Council and industry, will fund infrastructure upgrades to enable and improve the access for heavy vehicle freight from the farmgate to arterial roads.

The three projects in the Corangamite Shire region include:

  • $200,000 to upgrade the intersection of North Robilliards Road and Timboon-Nullawarre Road to allow heavy vehicles and traffic to safely navigate the intersection. The project will also install an advanced warning signal, improve road visibility and safety for milk transport by dairy processors
  • $40,000 to widen and seal Tomahawk Creek Road up to the farmgate of Heytesbury Stockfeeds, to improve B-double access to the arterial road
  • $20,000 to upgrade the intersection at Noskin and Browns Road for heavy vehicle freight from Timboon Goat Farm.

The $25 million Local Roads to Market program is a key pillar of the Labor Government’s Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs Fund (AIJF) to improve rural and regional road transport connections.

The Corangamite Shire upgrades are three of 39 projects worth $24 million that will be delivered under the second round of the program.

These projects are delivered in close consultation with the Victorian Farmers Federation and in partnership with the Corangamite Shire Council to strengthen our agricultural infrastructure.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Our Local Roads to Market program is supporting communities that rely on farming to ensure their top-quality produce is delivered to market safe and on time.”

“These investments will boost the productivity farm businesses and their supply chains and put them in a better position to compete in international markets.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“These upgrades will improve agribusiness and supply chain productivity and improve the country road network for all users.”