Forum To Discuss Local Transport Needs In Horsham

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Community organisations from the Wimmera will meet today to discuss how local transport services can best meet the needs of locals.

Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan is in Horsham today to meet with Volunteering Western Victoria (VWV) – a local initiative set up to explore innovative transport solutions for local residents.

The forum will discuss how public and community transport best meet the needs of passengers in Horsham and across the Wimmera region.

This may be traditional train or coach services, or innovative forms of community transport like better use of neighbourhood buses, or local taxis and hire cars.

In May the Andrews Labor Government released the Regional Network Development Plan – Victoria’s first long-term strategy for better regional public transport.

In it, the Labor Government outlined its plan for Local Transport Forums across regional Victoria, to identify and find innovative solutions to local transport needs.

Today’s meeting is a model for how these forums could operate and the Labor Government will work with VWV to develop a governance structure and terms of reference for the group.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Jacinta Allan

“Today’s meeting will be a wonderful opportunity to meet with passionate local advocates and discuss how best to meet the changing transport needs of people in Horsham and across the Wimmera region.”

“Forums like this will give the community a voice in transport planning, and allow the Government to draw on local knowledge in working out what’s needed and how best to deliver it.”

“We think there is a big role for community transport in providing better services for local passengers, and will look to roll out forums like these across regional Victoria.”