Food Innovation Centre Opens New Pathways To Asia

Monday 10 October 2016

A Monash University-based Food Innovation Centre will open new pathways to Asian markets for Victorian food businesses, thanks to $2.5 million from the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan opened the Centre in Clayton today - a one-stop-shop for food and fibre businesses to access world-class product and packaging design and development services, sensory evaluation, consumer testing, visualisation, and research laboratories.

With the middle class population across Asia expected to grow to more than three billion people by 2030, there are real opportunities for Victorian food businesses.

As part of its emerging collaboration with the China based COFCO Group, the Centre will provide new insights into Chinese consumer needs, regulatory requirements and better access to platforms to fast track export opportunities.

Victoria’s food and fibre sector employs 190,000 people and accounts for more than one quarter of national food and fibre exports, valued at $12 billion in 2014-15.

The Labor Government has provided $2.5 million over three years for the establishment and expansion of the Centre at Monash University.

We're supporting high growth sectors, such as the food and fibre industry, through our $200 million Future Industries Fund to boost growth and create jobs for Victoria.

The food and fibre sector strategy is available at:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Wade Noonan

“The Andrews Labor Government is working hand in hand with industry and academia to help food businesses build skills, engineer new processes and design products that meet the needs of consumers.”

“As the nation’s largest producer and exporter of food and fibre products, it’s important we help local businesses find new export opportunities for Asian markets – the Centre will be central to this.”

Quotes attributable to President and Vice Chancellor of Monash University Professor Margaret Gardner AO

“The Monash Food Innovation Centre opens at a crucial time for Australia’s efforts to boost agricultural and food productivity to meet the demands of Asia’s fast growing middle class population.”

“Monash now looks forward to using our world-class capabilities to provide Australian food producers - growers and manufacturers - with a competitive edge.”