Exposing Link Between Gender Inequality And Violence

Friday 27 November 2015

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson has today launched the Consultation Paper for Victoria’s first ever Gender Equality Strategy to highlight the link between violence and attitudes towards women.

Part of the Victoria Against Violence campaign to end family and gender violence, Minister Richardson said the strategy will guide the state’s actions and priorities for achieving equal social, civic and economic participation for women in Victoria.

The paper, which seeks input from business, community groups and the public, addresses the fundamental connection between gender inequality and violence against women.

Held at the Queen  Victoria  Women's  Centre, Cyan Ta'eed, Telstra Victorian Business Woman of the Year & Entrepreneur of the Year, also spoke about the need to promote more opportunities for women as leaders, and change-makers.

Community organisations and members of the public are encouraged to share their experiences and ideas for gender equality by February 19 2015. For more information, please visit  http://www.dpc.vic.gov.au/gender-equality-have-your-say

The Gender Equality Strategy consultation paper launch is a keynote event in the first ever Victoria Against Violence - 16 Days of Activism campaign, held from 25 November to 10 December.

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Fiona Richardson

“The link is clear. Societies  with  greater  gender  equality  have  lower  levels  of  violence  against women.”

“Through the state’s first ever Gender Equality Strategy, the Andrews Labor Government is committed to examining how we can address poor attitudes towards women, and what can be done to improve social, civic and economic equality.”