Enhanced Open Spaces For Seaford

Thursday 3 March 2022

Seaford and Frankston locals will enjoy improved open spaces with Seaford Wetlands to be enhanced, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Listed as an internationally significant wetland under the Ramsar Convention for supporting important habitat for birdlife, Seaford Wetlands is a critical ecosystem that is being rejuvenated with a $5 million investment through the Labor Government’s $154 million Suburban Parks Program.

The Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project will deliver a host of new features to improve visitor access with a proposed self-guided cultural trail, informed by a Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation Cultural Values Study and construction of a shared use path around the wetlands along with environmental restoration works.

Community consultation on the project − which will improve access, connections, and habitat for birdlife and other animals – begins today.

The wetlands project is among more than 100 projects being delivered across Melbourne under the Suburban Parks Program that is creating more than 6,500 hectares of new and upgraded parks and trails, dog parks and play spaces.

To have your say on Seaford Wetlands go to engage.frankston.vic.gov.au/seaford-wetlands-rejuvenation.

For more information about the Suburban Parks Program visit environment.vic.gov.au/suburban-parks/creating-new-parkland-across-victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“I was delighted to launch the Seaford Wetlands Rejuvenation Project today and learn more about these very important wetlands from the Traditional Owners of the land, the Bunurong People.”

“Melbourne’s open spaces create a connection to nature and the rejuvenation of Seaford Wetlands can only enhance this connection.”

Quote Attributable to Member for Carrum Sonya Kilkenny

“We are so fortunate to have on our doorstep something as unique and critically important for biodiversity as the Seaford Wetlands.  I encourage everyone to have their say on how these wetlands can be enhanced now, and for generations to come”

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