Dig Deep For The Salvos’ Red Shield Appeal This Year

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Minister for Housing, Disability & Ageing, Martin Foley, today urged Victorians to donate to the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal when collectors come knocking next month.

Mr Foley announced that the Andrews Labor Government would donate $150,000, an increase of $50,000 over the previous government’s donation last year, to get the appeal off to a flying start.

Mr Foley also met with Victorian business and community leaders at a breakfast celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Red Shield Appeal, asking them to join the Government in digging deep this year.

The appeal is a major fundraiser for the Salvation Army, which aims to raise $74 million across Australia. It finishes with a nation-wide door-knock at the end of May.

The Salvation Army in Victoria provides more than 600 social programs and activities, including out-of-home care for vulnerable children, disability services, addiction services, and help for people affected by homelessness, family and domestic violence, emergencies and natural disasters.

The Labor Government is leading efforts to tackle homelessness and has committed funding to extend the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) in full for another three years.

However the Abbott Government has so far failed to match the commitment, cutting funding for services that support those experiencing homelessness.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley

"The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the Red Shield Appeal, and we encourage Victorians to dig deep to support the Salvos."

“The Salvation Army does important work in supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community, including children in need of a home, people with a disability and those facing drug and alcohol addiction.”

“We applaud the Salvos, a major provider of homelessness support services, for their long-standing commitment to helping Victorians including young people and women and children experiencing family violence.”