Delivering The Healthcare Aboriginal Victorians Need

Saturday 9 December 2023

The Allan Labor Government is ensuring Victoria’s Aboriginal community health organisations have the support they need to do their critical work, through a major investment to deliver 100,000 extra additional Aboriginal community healthcare appointments.

Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas today announced more than $35 million will be shared across seven Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs) in Melbourne and regional Victoria – supporting better access for Aboriginal Victorians to culturally safe and holistic primary care closer to home.

Co-designed with community and acting on the priorities of the Victorian Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Partnership Forum, this investment enables ACCHOs to expand their service offering, opening hours and boost preventative and early intervention services and treatment. 

ACCHOs delivering more primary care services that suit the needs of the community will deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians while also reducing presentations to busy emergency departments and preventable hospital admissions. 

Greater access to primary care will enable ACCHOs to better treat chronic health conditions or even identify them before they become problematic for the individual. 

This initiative also enables ACCHOs to expand their workforce including GPs, nurses, access and support workers and drivers - ensuring lack of transport or mobility issues aren’t barriers to communities getting the care they need. 

The funded ACCHOs include: 

  • Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-operative

  • First People’s Health and Wellbeing, 

  • Ballarat and District Aboriginal Co-operative

  • Murray Valley Aboriginal Co-operative

  • Bendigo and District Aboriginal Cooperative

  • Victorian Aboriginal Health Service 

  • Lake Tyers Health and Childrens Services.

Aboriginal Victorians have the right to the same health outcomes as every other Victorian and this initiative further supports self-determination while delivering on the priorities set by the Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Partnership Forum. 

Following a decade of inaction from successive Federal Liberal governments, the Labor Government has stepped in and delivered a range of primary care initiatives including the Victorian Virtual Emergency Department and the establishment of 27 Priority Primary Care Centres to deliver timely care for Victorians when they need it most.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Mary-Anne Thomas 

“Aboriginal Victorians know what is best for their communities – this important initiative backs our incredible Aboriginal health organisations to keep doing their excellent work.” 

“This initiative is ensuring Aboriginal Victorians get the culturally safe care they deserve – whenever they need it, close to home.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Metropolitan Sheena Watt

Aboriginal health organisations are trusted and effective in their community - this initiative supports them to grow the services and support they deliver.”

Quote attributable to VACCHO Chief Operating Officer Jim O’Shea

“This is an exciting announcement as it is recognition of the vital work carried out by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and their driven teams.”

231210 - Delivering The Healthcare Aboriginal Victorians Need.pdf
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