Delivering A Great Local School For Miners Rest

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Families in Miners Rest will get the great local school their kids deserve, with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to deliver a brand-new Miners Rest Primary School.

Labor will invest $17.1 million to build the new school – bringing its total contribution to $21.6 million – and giving local families peace of mind.

Right now, Miners Rest Primary School is feeling the squeeze. With growing enrolments, learning spaces are already jam-packed, and local families are worried about missing out on a place for their kids.

It’s why, under a re-elected Labor Government, this redevelopment will allow the school to expand with new land, as well as covering the cost of new permanent classrooms and learning facilities.

The upgrade will also deliver a new competition grade gymnasium and football oval, accessible to the broader community after-hours.

Every child should have a good local school and the chance to succeed in life, and only a re-elected Labor Government will deliver that for kids in Miners Rest.

In contrast, the previous Liberal Government completely failed to invest in Miners Rest Primary School, slashing $1 billion out of our education system and leaving schools to crumble and decay across the state.

To date, the Labor Government has already invested $4.5 million in Miners Rest Primary, as part of its $3.8 billion investment to build 70 new schools and upgrade 1,300 schools across the state since coming to office in 2014.

It means thousands of kids across Victoria now learn in new classrooms with better technology and facilities – including those at Miners Rest Primary School.

Around our state, this investment has also helped create 5,000 construction jobs for Victorians.

A re-elected Labor Government will keep delivering for Victorians with more new schools and upgrades to existing schools across the state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“When they had the chance, the Liberals failed to invest a single cent in Miners Rest Primary School.”

“It’s always Labor that backs our schools – and a re-elected Andrews Labor Government will do just that, building a brand-new school for local families.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

 “This is a growing community – and parents deserve to know their kids will have a great local school.”

“Not only will we help Miners Rest Primary to expand and grow – we’ll invest in new sports facilities to benefit the entire community.”