Cutting-Edge Patient Record Keeping For Stawell Hospital

Friday 31 August 2018

Patient record keeping at Stawell Regional Health will be brought into the 21st century thanks to cutting-edge new IT equipment.

Minister for Health Jill Hennessy today announced a $293,000 grant for the Electronic Medical Record Project, made possible by the Labor Government’s Regional Health Infrastructure Fund.

The Andrews Labor Government’s investment will mean the health service moves from paper-based medical records to electronic records. Doctors and nurses will be able to access vital health information faster – and at their fingertips.

The Labor Government’s $250 million Regional Health Infrastructure Fund is the largest of its kind in Victorian history. It’s giving doctors and nurses in regional and rural areas the very best facilities they need to do what they do best – provide world-class care when Victorians need it most.

The Fund is already paving the way for two new operating theatres at Stawell Regional Health, as well as a new chiller, switchboard and air handling lights.

The Labor Government is giving health services all over the state record funding so that they can provide the very best care. At Stawell Regional Health, the Government is investing $17.53 million in 2018/19 – that’s a 4.2 per cent increase on the previous 12 months.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Stawell’s hard-working doctors and nurses do an incredible job keeping patients healthy and safe. We’re supporting them by rolling out cutting-edge technology that helps them do what they do best.”

“All Victorians deserve the highest standards of health care, no matter where they live. We’re investing millions of dollars all over regional and rural Victoria to ensure that’s exactly what regional Victorians get.”

“You can’t trust the Liberals when it comes to health. They cut, close and privatise at every chance they get – and they’ll do it again if they get the chance.”