Congratulating Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Graduates

Thursday 8 December 2022

The Andrews Labor Government congratulates the latest group of Aboriginal Victorians to graduate with skills and qualifications in cultural heritage management and protection thanks to a unique government-funded course.

The Certificate IV in Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management is funded by the Labor Government and delivered in partnership with Victorian Aboriginal communities and La Trobe University.

Today’s 18 graduates will join the 208 Traditional Owners who have already graduated from the course since it began in 2009.

The only course of its kind in Australia, it is nationally recognised and demonstrates self-determination in action by putting Aboriginal people at the centre of decision-making regarding the protection of Aboriginal cultural heritage. 

The year-long tertiary course is delivered by Traditional Owners, cultural heritage industry professionals and university academics.

It provides students with on-Country, classroom and skills-based learning, by fusing formal, Traditional and industry knowledge with hands-on experience in a culturally appropriate and safe way.

The course opens the door for students to enter positions in cultural heritage management, with almost 90 per cent of graduates going on to take up roles across a variety of organisations, including Registered Aboriginal Parties and in government.

More than 40,000 Aboriginal heritage places have been registered in Victoria.

The Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 empowers Traditional Owners as protectors of their cultural heritage and the world’s oldest continuing culture.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Treaty and First Peoples Gabrielle Williams

“Self-determination means supporting more Traditional Owners to manage and protect the cultural heritage of the world’s oldest continuous living culture, ensuring it is preserved for future generations.”

“When Traditional Owners are empowered to manage and protect cultural heritage, all Victorians benefit.”

221209 - Congratulating Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Graduates.pdf
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