Community Grants To Boost Social Cohesion

Wednesday 21 February 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is helping grassroots organisations build a stronger, more cohesive Victorian community.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott today announced 22 grants under the $650,000 Community Harmony Program for 2017/18.

The grants will support community groups to:

  • Identify and respond to local challenges to social cohesion and community harmony
  • Increase intercultural and interfaith engagement and understanding
  • Build shared values and the foundations of common humanity that transcend cultural and religious differences
  • Support diverse groups, including smaller or newer community groups, to develop relationships with one another and deliver initiatives that promote social cohesion and belonging through genuine partnerships between community organisations.

More than 250 applications were submitted from both new and established community groups across metropolitan and regional Victoria.

Consideration of applications included a comprehensive merit assessment, where the Victorian Multicultural Commission played a key role as representatives on an independent panel as well as ratifying assessment outcomes.

For a complete list of successful applicants, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“Our social cohesion is vital to a thriving multicultural Victoria.”

“We’re proud to support these organisations across our state to foster understanding and respond to local challenges.”

“The Labor Government strengthening relationships between diverse communities in Victoria. These grants will help build social cohesion and a great sense of belonging.”