Community Consultation On Water Delivery Share Extended

Tuesday 21 August 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is encouraging landholders in the Goulburn Murray and Sunraysia Irrigation Districts to have their say on water delivery share arrangements, with the community consultation extended to the end of the month.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville announced the extension for the review into Delivery Share Arrangements in Northern Victoria, after she requested full pricing information to be provided to irrigators as part of the review.

The review will now remain open until 31 August 2018, so that everyone can review the additional material before putting in a submission. This extension will not affect the timeline for the final decision.

With more time for feedback, more people can contribute with ways we can manage irrigation infrastructure in Victoria that gives people confidence to invest in our agricultural industries and resilient communities.

The Discussion Paper released last month sets out the issues, challenges and opportunities for delivery share arrangements – exploring 21 options for change and 16 shortlisted for recommendation or further investigation.

Since its release, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning has received over 50 submissions – following community forums held in Sunraysia and Goulburn-Murray irrigation districts.

The Labor Government review comes in response to significant changes in land and water use in Northern Victoria over the last 10 years. It considers reduced water availability for irrigation, fluctuation in water prices and changes in demand for water.

It is part of the Labor Government’s Water for Victoria plan to support irrigation communities adjusting to changes in climate, water availability and socio-economic impacts of water recovery under the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Submissions can be made by:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“We’re working with irrigators and the broader community to support a strong, productive irrigation industry that is here for generations.”

“We said the delivery share final recommendations would be developed hand-in-hand with the community – and that’s what we’re doing.”

“I urge people in the Goulburn-Murray and Sunraysia irrigation districts to have their say in the extended consultation period to make sure the final recommendations meet the different needs of our community.”