Community Biodiversity Grants Released

Thursday 14 September 2017

The Andrews Labor Government has announced an additional $4 million towards community-based projects in the latest round of grants under the Biodiversity On-ground Action program.

These projects support practical community efforts to deliver conservation projects on public and private land.

Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio today met with recipients, Friends of Merri Creek, to announce successful projects for the Community and Volunteer Action Grants.

The funding will assist volunteer and community-based groups to deliver a range of activities to help protect and expand habitats for Victoria’s native plants and animals.

It will also contribute to the targets in the Labor Government's Biodiversity Plan:  Protecting Victoria's Environment - Biodiversity 2037.

$4 million has been granted over four years to support 110 community projects to address threats and safeguard biodiversity.

This funding is part of a broader $25.7 million Labor Government package to support our native species through community action grants, support programs and regional partnerships.

Other funded initiatives include:

  • $50,000 to the Friends of Merri Creek for their project The Secret Seven: Seeds for our Flora’s Future
  • $50,000 to the Ultima Landcare Group to protect the threatened Buloke Woodlands
  • $42,700 towards rehabilitation and monitoring of Fairy Tern breeding sites
  • $30,000 to the Sandy Point Community Group for restoration of koala habitat and population monitoring

The Biodiversity On-ground Action program also provides funding towards crowd-funding initiatives like the highly successful Friends of Merri Creek’s Blue-banded Bee campaign.

More information about the Biodiversity On-ground Action program is available here:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio

“We wanted greater flexibility and we incorporated single or multi-year projects for Community and Volunteer Action Grants to better suit project delivery needs.”

Support has been made available for activities that help communities better understand and manage local native species and natural environments.”

Quote attributable to Member for Broadmeadows Frank McGuire

"The Andrews Government's investment in the Broadmeadow electorate protects Merri Creek and the  environment, adding to the revitalisation strategy for new industries and jobs."