CCTV Overhaul To Improve Safety In Shepparton

Wednesday 3 October 2018

CCTV in Shepparton will be expanded and upgraded with 16 new cameras to help target crime and improve community safety, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Police Lisa Neville today announced $280,000 in funding for a CCTV camera expansion in Shepparton, with Greater Shepparton City Council contributing $90,000 to the project.

The new cameras will be installed in the Shepparton CBD, Victoria Park Lake and Shepparton Sports Park precincts to increase council’s Safer City Camera Network coverage.

The footage will be relayed to the Shepparton Police Station, which will be actively monitored during peak times.

The new cameras will strengthen police operations, deter criminal and anti-social behaviour and increase public perceptions of safety and legitimate use of the area.

The project is one of 21 to share in more than $2.7 million in funding through the Labor Government’s 2018–19 round of Public Safety Infrastructure Fund grants.

The grants program supports infrastructure projects that improve community safety, security and confidence in public places.

Across Victoria, the grants will be used to improve lighting, install CCTV, upgrade landscaping and streetscape works, and improve facilities and urban design to increase natural surveillance and perceptions of safety.

The grants are part of the Government’s $25 million investment in its Community Crime Prevention Program, which builds on the $19.4 million invested in the program in 2016–17.

Since July 2015, the Labor Government has provided more than $12.5 million in public safety grants to help support 78 infrastructure projects across Victoria.

The Labor Government has made a record investment in Victoria Police, including an additional 3,135 new police by 2022 with an additional 15 new police allocated to the Goulburn Valley Division, which includes Shepparton, with all officers to be in the community by the middle of next year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“The upgraded CCTV network will help police keep a close eye on the Shepparton CBD and surrounding areas, making it a safer and more inviting space for the community.”

“These new cameras will help police better respond to crime in Shepparton, helping to increase community safety, security and confidence in public places.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“We’re proud to be investing in grassroots solutions to local crime issues, while also funding 3,135 new frontline police, with 15 new police allocated to the division that covers Shepparton.”