Calling For New Approaches To End Family Violence

Monday 23 April 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is testing new approaches to end family violence and keep perpetrators accountable with a fund available for innovative programs.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today announced $4.83 million will be made available to support trials of family violence perpetrator interventions that target diverse groups.

These trials move away from a one-size-fits-all approach and encourages innovative community-based interventions, while acknowledging that holding perpetrators to account is essential to keeping victim-survivors safe.

Organisations involved with addressing family violence are invited to apply for funding, which comes in response to Recommendation 87 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The trials will run for twelve months and are open to organisations who work with perpetrators from the following categories:

  • Culturally and linguistically diverse, including new and emerging communities
  • Gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender and inter-sex communities
  • Aboriginal communities
  • Females
  • Fathers; and/or
  • Perpetrators with complex needs including drug and alcohol issues, mental health and cognitive impairment

Submissions are open until 2pm, Thursday, 24 May, 2018 at

This investment comes on top of a $7.36 million perpetrator case management model announced last month, as well as $11.4 million in further support to create 4,000 community based men’s behaviour change places.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“Addressing family violence means not only supporting victims, but helping to challenge and change perpetrator behaviour – it is essential we hold them to account for their actions, while also addressing their complex needs.”

“It’s been two years since the Royal Commission delivered its report and we’re delivering unprecedented support to end family violence in Victoria.”