Building Blitz To Upgrade Schools, Help Students, And Create Jobs

Wednesday 27 April 2016

New buildings, new upgrades and entirely new schools will be delivered under the Andrews Labor Government’s Victorian Budget 2016/17.

Education is the cornerstone to ensuring every Victorian child can meet their potential. Our kids can’t get a first-rate education in second-rate classrooms. That’s why the Budget invests over $924 million to build new schools and upgrade classrooms – the largest ever single investment by a Victorian government in school infrastructure.

This building blitz will take place across our state, in the inner city, in outer-suburban growth areas, and in regional Victoria, where all secondary schools assessed as being in the worst condition will be upgraded to meet modern standards.

The Victorian School Building Authority will be established to deliver this construction boom that will not just benefit students, but also create jobs for construction workers and local tradies.

The Education Package includes:

  • $287 million to acquire land to build or complete 23 new schools, many in Melbourne’s growth areas, where they are needed most
  • $92 million to establish 10 cutting-edge Tech Schools at TAFEs and universities across Victoria, including four in regional Victoria, because every child should have the chance to get the skills they need for the jobs they want, wherever they live.
  • $68.5 million to upgrade 20 specialist schools in the poorest condition, including a $10 million boost to the Inclusive Schools Fund for students with a disability, because every child deserves the same opportunities no matter their background or circumstances
  • $63.6 million for more modern relocatable classrooms to ease the pressure on growing Victorian schools
  • $50 million for the new Shared Facilities Fund to help more schools become thriving community hubs
  • $28 million to continue removing asbestos from school buildings
  • $16 million for the new School Pride and Sports Fund to help strengthen community pride in schools and build sporting facilities for students
  • $12 million to plan upgrades at 35 existing schools to accommodate growth and update old facilities.

The Government is also spending $200 million to better maintain existing school facilities. This means an additional $1.1 billion is being spent to build, upgrade and maintain Victorian schools in this Budget.

The Andrews Labor Government has delivered more for schools in our first two budgets than the previous Liberal Government did in four.

Quotes from Minister for Education James Merlino

“Our kids can’t get a first-rate education in second-rate class rooms. This funding goes to fixing the schools most in need – particularly those in regional Victoria.”

“Victoria is growing, and we need to start planning the schools of the future now. This is an outstanding Budget for students and will create jobs for local tradies.”

“We’re not just talking about making Victoria the Education State, we’re getting it done.”