Building A Bigger Men’s Shed In Wodonga

Wednesday 12 July 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is easing the growing pains of the Wodonga Men’s Shed with a bigger facility to support its expanding membership.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos toured the facility today, which will accommodate more than 60 shedders once operational.

The Labor Government provided $60,000 to build the 1,274 square metre shed at the new site in Jamieson Court.

Wodonga “shedders” raised more than $230,000 through fundraising and by encouraging residents to purchase bricks for the site, on which they could inscribe words to mark their contribution.

At the former site, dozens of shedders helped local clubs and groups build garden furniture and children’s toys, support town council projects, and host lunches.

Land at the new site has been made available by the City of Wodonga, with construction creating strong partnerships with local builders.

The Government allocates $1 million to build and refurbish men’s sheds each year, and has provided 47 grants to men’s sheds across the state since November 2014.

A $879,000 grant round for the construction of new sheds and the refurbishment of existing sheds across the state, has recently closed with funding recipients to be announced in September 2017.

Victoria has the highest number of men’s sheds in the country, with more than 350 across the state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Wodonga Men’s Shed is so popular that it’s already outgrown its current facility. We’re helping make room for more shedders to give greater support to men’s health.”

“Victoria is the nation’s ‘men’s shed’ capital, and we are making sure our sheds continue to meet the needs of their local communities.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“We want to encourage more men to join the men’s shed movement, and the growing membership of the Wodonga’s men’s shed will only benefit the local community.”