Building The Best Mental Health Care For All Victorians

Tuesday 9 July 2019

The Andrews Labor Government has released its submission to the Royal Commission into the Mental Health System, which highlights the need for people to get better care in the community, earlier.

Acting Premier Lisa Neville and Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today released the Labor Government submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

The Government’s vision is for an accessible, flexible and responsive mental health system that provides the very best care and treatment, free of stigma and discrimination.

Currently, Victorians struggle to access a range of disparate services that mean they often can’t navigate the system and fall through the cracks – meaning they don’t get the support they need to get back on their feet.

A future mental health system in Victoria could be based on a ‘stepped-care’ model, where people get tailored treatment at every stage of their mental health illness, building integrated connections between mental health services, from the GP consultation to the most intensive acute clinical settings.

The Labor Government’s submission also outlines the need to fix crucial shortcomings in the current system – highlighting gaps and identifying potential reforms for the Royal Commission to consider – and the importance of collaborating with service providers and their dedicated workforce.

For many Victorians, poor mental health can lead to suicide – and a lifetime of pain and anguish for family and friends.

The Labor Government will implement all recommendations made by the Royal Commission to ensure Victorians get the care that they deserve.

The Commission’s public hearings are currently underway with around 90 people expected to give evidence including carers, service providers and their workforce, experts, government representatives and most importantly, people living with a mental illness.

The Royal Commission is the first of its kind in Australia and will map out a plan of action that drives major changes to mental health services to support Victorians with mental illness, including those at risk of suicide.

If you or someone you know is in crisis or needs support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or BeyondBlue on 1300 224 636.

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier Lisa Neville

“All Victorians deserve access to quality mental healthcare, no matter their background or where they live.”

“Our submission highlights how and where our system is broken, so we can build a better one.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley

“Every year, one in five Victorians experience mental illness. This Royal Commission is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fix our broken system and ultimately save lives.”

“The stepped-care model is about building better connections between mental health services so people don’t fall through the cracks, like too many do right now.”