- Published:
- Wednesday 21 February 2018
Families in Truganina will soon be able to access the first-rate early childhood services they deserve under the one roof, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.
Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos today announced $1.2 million to help build the Truganina East Integrated Family Learning Centre, through a major grant provided as part of the Children’s Facilities Capital Program.
The new facility will include three kindergarten rooms, flexible early years spaces and consultation rooms and will be co-located at Truganina East P-9 and an existing Maternal and Child Health centre – bringing together community family services on one site.
The $5.5 million family learning centre, which has also received $1.2 million through the Labor Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund, is expected to open in 2020.
It is among 28 projects across Victoria to share in $18 million as part of the program’s 2017-18 major grant round, which provides funding to build new facilities, integrate service delivery and upgrade existing facilities.
The Labor Government is delivering a record $76.4 million to build, expand and improve early years infrastructure across Victoria to ensure local families can continue to access great local kindergartens, including $10 million targeting growth areas.
Research shows that children who have a stimulating, supportive and healthy start to life are more likely to do well later in life, while children who attend kinder score between 10 and 20 points higher on NAPLAN tests.
Truganina families are also set to benefit from the Government’s $202.1 million Education State Early Childhood Reform Plan, announced in the 2017/18 Victorian Budget.
This reform plan recognises the importance of providing families with strong support in early childhood, so kids are ready for kinder and ready for school.
It will mean parents can access improved parenting support and Maternal and Child Health Services, as well as higher quality and more inclusive kindergartens.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Early Childhood Education Jenny Mikakos
“High quality early years education and care are vital to giving our children the best start in life – that’s why we’re delivering record investment in this area.”
“This exciting children’s hub means Truganina families will be able to easily access services they need to help their children thrive.”
Quote attributable to Minister for Local Government Marlene Kairouz
“We’re making sure growing communities like Truganina are getting the facilities and services they need and deserve.”
Quotes attributable to Member for Tarneit Telmo Languiller
“A top notch education starts with the early years – this hub will help get local kids ready for school and ready for life for generations to come.”