Boundary Bend Boosted With Murray Link Upgrades

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Boundary Bend will be a step closer to the iconic Murray River thanks to a $75,000 investment from the Andrews Labor Government – forming a critical part of the town enhancement project.

Attorney General Martin Pakula today visited the Murray River township to mark the occasion on behalf of Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford.

Swan Hill Rural City Council will deliver the project, which will improve Boundary Bend’s landscape and connect the town with its major asset, the Murray River.

The upgrades will encourage more residents and tourists to flow between the two areas, supporting greater tourism and economic activity throughout the town.

The project includes:

  • a walking trail along the river linking the north and south of the town and the two shopping venues
  • better signage to display the town’s services
  • an entrance statement for the community park and playground to entice visitors off the highway
  • toilet lighting and a waste disposal area for travellers
  • a new / upgraded car park and landscaping work

This project is being funded through the $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, which is boosting regional jobs and making rural and regional communities even better places to live, work and visit.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Regional Victoria deserves the best of everything – so we’re supporting projects like this to help communities showcase their rich, natural and cultural assets to boost visitor numbers to our regions.” 

“Boosting visitor numbers to small regional centres like Boundary Bend will encourage private investment, ensuring the local economy continues to grow.”

Quotes attributable to the Attorney General Martin Pakula

“The Andrews Labor Government is proud to support projects in regional Victoria, supporting local communities, businesses and jobs.”

“Through investments such as the Boundary Bend enhancement, we’re putting our regions back at the heart of Victoria’s economy.”