Boosting Social Enterprise In Kyneton

Thursday 17 May 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is helping social enterprises across the state create jobs and training opportunities, particularly for community members who face difficulty gaining employment.

Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll today visited Social Foundry in Kyneton, a social enterprise which has received a Boost Your Business voucher to help create jobs for local young people.

The Social Enterprise stream of the Boost Your Business program provides eligible social enterprises with vouchers of up to $25,000 to help them improve systems and grow.

Social Foundry has recently expanded into hospitality and will use its voucher to build their capacity and to support business improvement.

The visit to Social Foundry follows last month’s launch of the Victorian Social Procurement Framework which will apply to purchases of all goods, services and construction by Victorian Government departments and agencies.

In an Australian first, the framework will mean businesses who use social and disability enterprises or Aboriginal businesses in their tenders for government contracts will have a competitive edge over those who don’t.

This initiative builds on Victoria’s national leadership in the social enterprise sector, where more than 3,500 social enterprises operate and contribute more than $5 billion to the Victorian economy.

The second round of the Boost Your Business voucher program will open for application from 4 June and close 13 July.

For more information, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

Social enterprises, like Social Foundry, help break down the barriers that stop a number of Victorians finding a job.”

“We’re proud to be a leader in social enterprise – making sure everyone shares in our economic success.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

“I’m proud to be part of the government that makes sure everyone gets a fair go, no matter what their circumstances.”

“Although they’ve only been active for a short amount of time, Social Foundry has already had a great impact on the Kyneton community. This is an enterprise that is helping locals develop skills and find a job, and that’s why we’re supporting them with a Boost Your Business voucher.”