Boosting Jobs And Investment In Victorian Racing

Wednesday 10 October 2018

A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will cement Victoria’s position as Australia’s premier racing state with an increase in prize money for Victorian thoroughbred racing.

The thoroughbred racing industry contributes $3.2 billion to Victoria’s economy and supports more than 25,000 jobs across the state, many in regional areas.

A re-elected Labor Government will help grow the sport and support grass roots racing across Victoria with a $33 million boost to prizemoney over the next two years.

This will ensure Victoria can continue to host first class events and keep jobs, investment, trainers and horses in Victoria.

It will allow the Victorian racing industry to maintain the very best quality of thoroughbred horses and attract more investment from overseas and interstate for breeding, rearing and training.

This major investment will ensure racing in Victoria remains of the highest standard and returns more money to the hard working and dedicated participants, including owners, trainers, jockeys and stable-hands in both suburban and regional areas.

The Labor Government will announce funding support for the other racing codes in the coming days.

Only Labor will grow our thoroughbred racing industry and jobs, and ensure Victoria remains the number one racing state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Racing Martin Pakula

“A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will ensure Victoria remains the premier racing state with a boost in prize money to ensure jobs and investment remain right here in Victoria and continue to grow.”

“Victorian racing is more than just the Spring Racing Carnival. This increase in prizemoney will help support Victorians working in thoroughbred racing in suburbs, regional cities and country towns right across the state.”

Quotes attributable to Racing Victoria Chairman Brian Kruger

“We welcome this strong commitment from the Andrews Labor Government to maintain their support of Victorian thoroughbred racing and importantly the thousands of hard working Victorians in our industry.”

“Victoria has long been regarded as the premier racing state in Australia and like the Andrews Labor Government we will make sure it remains number one.”