Boosting Jobs And Investment In Greyhound Racing

Thursday 18 October 2018

A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will cement Victoria’s position as Australia’s premier racing state with an increase in prize money for Victorian greyhound racing.

The greyhound racing industry contributes $500 million to Victoria’s economy and supports more than 4,300 jobs across the state, many in regional areas.

A re-elected Labor Government will help grow the sport and support grass roots greyhound racing across Victoria with a $4 million boost to the industry over the next two years.

Labor will boost prizemoney by $1 million to ensure Victoria can continue to host first class events and keep jobs, investment, trainers and greyhounds in Victoria.

Labor will also provide $2 million to upgrade training facilities across Victoria, as well as an additional $1 million for track upgrades to improve safety at Cranbourne and Traralgon.

This will allow the Victorian greyhound racing industry to maintain the very best quality of racing and attract more investment for breeding, rearing and training.

This major investment will ensure greyhound racing remains of the highest standard and returns more money to the hard working and dedicated participants, including owners and trainers, in both suburban and regional areas.

It builds on the Labor Government’s strong action on animal welfare in the greyhound racing industry.

This includes greater powers for Greyhound Racing Victoria inspectors, making it mandatory for at least one member of the Greyhound Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board to have animal welfare experience and the establishment of a new Code of Practice for the Keeping of Racing Greyhounds.

Only Labor will grow our greyhound racing industry and jobs, and ensure Victoria remains the number one racing state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Racing Martin Pakula

“A re-elected Andrews Labor Government will ensure Victoria remains the premier greyhound racing state by upgrading training facilities and boosting prize money to ensure jobs and investment remain in Victoria and continue to grow.”

“This investment will help support Victorians working in greyhound racing in suburbs, regional cities and country towns right across the state.”

Quote attributable to Greyhound Racing Victoria Chair Bernie Carolan

“This additional prizemoney will allow us to invest more funding across Victoria to deliver strong animal welfare outcomes, more infrastructure improvements and greater support for participants in the suburbs and in regional communities.”