Black Forest Drive Artist Impressions Released

Tuesday 3 October 2023

Artist impressions showing key safety improvements planned for Black Forest Drive between Woodend and Macedon have been released today along with more information about the final scope of works.

The safety improvements will benefit all road users and include changing the lane configuration to one lane in each direction to allow for new dedicated bike lanes.

Designs include a new painted centre median to provide space for new right-turn lanes and pedestrian refuges and road surface resealing. 

The dedicated bike lanes will improve safety by separating bikes from other vehicles. The lanes will also make bike riders more visible to other road users, reducing the chance of collisions occurring.

New right-hand turn lanes for accessing side roads will be added at 13 locations in the new centre median to provide safer turning for all road users and reduce the risk of nose-to-tail collisions.

The new centre median can also be used by all road users to safely turn into properties without needing to stop in a traffic lane. 

Pedestrian islands will be built at key locations to boost safety, especially for school children using bus stops. 

The works are designed improve safety for all road users along a 12-kilometre stretch of Black Forest Drive between Quarry Road and Mount Macedon Road.

The safety improvements have been informed by crash history data, road safety guidelines, community feedback and the surrounding environment.

The Labor Government invested $6 million to make safety improvements on Black Forest Drive in the Victorian Budget 2021-22.

The Department of Transport and Planning have carried out extensive community consultation on safety improvements for Black Forest Drive.

Works on the safety improvements are expected to start in early 2024.

To view the concepts or for more information, visit the Regional Roads Victoria website.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne

“Following extensive community consultation and the examination of different design options, we’re confident we will deliver safety improvements for everyone who uses Black Forest Drive.”

“We thank the Macedon Ranges community for their feedback during the consultation periods.”

Quote attributable to Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas

“The works will deliver important safety improvements for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians using Black Forest Drive.”

231003 - Black Forest Drive Artist Impressions Released.pdf
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