Better Surfaces And Tracks For Warrnambool Racing Club

Thursday 5 May 2022

An ambulance track is now complete and the Warrnambool Racing Club will soon redevelop its grass training track thanks to funding from the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Racing Martin Pakula today visited the Club for the Warrnambool Cup announcing more than $1.5 million from the Victorian Racing Industry Fund to upgrade the grass training track at the racecourse.

The redevelopment will improve the surface and drainage enabling more horses onsite, allowing for larger field sizes in trials.

It will also increase capacity for the 58 trainers who use the club’s training facilities.

The project will create 25 jobs during construction which is due to start following the May Racing Carnival and expected to be finished early next year.

The Government has also funded the upgrade of the 2,000 metre ambulance track at the racecourse, with over $40,000, ensuring medical and racing support vehicles can safely navigate the track.

Since 2014, the Labor Government has invested more than $3.1 million to support race day events and infrastructure projects at Warrnambool Racing Club.

The thoroughbred racing industry in regional Victoria generates more than $715 million for the economy and helps sustain more than 6,100 jobs.

Quote attributable to Minister for Racing Martin Pakula

“This is a fantastic result for the racing community in Warrnambool. This distinguished racing club will soon have world class facilities for the growing number of trainers and horses that use the club.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“The racing industry provides valuable local jobs and boosts the economy, which is why we’re proud to support the Warrnambool Racing Club with these upgrades.”

Quote attributable to Racing Victoria Chair Brian Kruger

“This redevelopment is a huge win for racing in Victoria and will significantly boost training in Warrnambool for many years to come.”

Quote attributable to Warrnambool Racing Club Chair Steven Waterhouse

We’re very grateful for the Government’s support to significantly enhance our training track ensuring greater access for horses, and really appreciate that our ambulance track is now in top order.”

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