Better Mental Health For Culturally Diverse Communities

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Culturally and linguistically diverse communities across Victoria will receive more support to improve their mental health, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s Mental Health CALD grants program.

Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley today announced the recipients of the grants to coincide with Mental Health Week.

The grants range from $5,000 to $80,000 and aim to support culturally and linguistically diverse Victorians who are experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, poor mental health. Funding is also being provided to support their families, carers, and to build wider community supports.

The grants program is being coordinated by the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council and Tandem, the organisation representing Victorian mental health carers.

A total of 13 grants have been allocated, with recipients including:

  • Diversitat, which will support Afghan, Karen, Karenni, Iraqi and Syrian refugees, particularly young people
  • cohealth, to provide a community-led project supporting women from the Horn of Africa
  • Chinese Health Foundation of Australia, to address barriers for Chinese migrants in accessing mental health services.

Recognising that 45 per cent of all Victorians will experience mental illness in their lifetime, the Labor Government has invested a record $325.7 million in mental health services in the Victorian Budget 2017/18.

This investment supports the Government’s 10-year Mental Health Plan, which focuses on greater efforts in prevention  and providing better services and support for the most vulnerable people in the community.

Mental Health Week runs from 8 – 14 October and involves hundreds of events organised by individuals, community groups and service providers throughout the state.  For more information on Mental Health Week, visit

For a full list of Mental Health grant recipients, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Mental Health Martin Foley

“All Victorians, no matter their background, have the right to access mental health services.  These grants will help providers improve treatment and care for the people they support.”

“Mental Health Week not only reinforces the importance of openly discussing mental health, it is also a yearly reminder to check up on friends, family and colleagues.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“We’re proud to be supporting all multicultural Victorians to check in on, and improve, their mental health.”