Better Access To Breast Cancer Screening In Shepparton

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Victorians in the Goulburn Valley will soon have better access to lifesaving breast cancer screening and follow-up tests, thanks to Andrews Labor Government funding for a new BreastScreen Victoria Reading and Assessment Service.

Minister for Health Martin Foley today announced Shepparton would be home to the ninth BreastScreen Victoria Reading and Assessment Service in Victoria.

The new service is part of a $7.7 million boost over four years for BreastScreen Victoria assessment services as part of the Improving Rural Health Outcomes initiative in the Victorian Budget 2020/21.

Eligible Victorians can receive their initial scan at one of 42 screening clinics and two mobile services across the state. If there is a need to have a follow up assessment, they can attend a Reading and Assessment Service.

The new Shepparton service is free and will mean eligible Victorians in the Goulburn Valley can get further testing close to home without travelling to Melbourne for their next appointment. It’s set to open later this year.

Breast cancer mortality rates have decreased since 1994 by almost two per cent per year. In 2019, 4617 Victorian women were diagnosed with breast cancer and 766 died from the disease.

That is why the Victorian Cancer Plan 2020-2024 has set ambitious targets to reduce the harm caused by all cancers and save 10,000 lives by 2025.

In 2019-20, 218,129 women were screened for breast cancer by BreastScreen Victoria.

BreastScreen Victoria provides free two-yearly breast screening for eligible Victorians without symptoms over the age of 40. Eligible Victorians aged between 50 and 74 are invited to screen.

If you are due to screen or have missed an appointment, book an appointment by calling 13 20 50 or at online at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Martin Foley

“When it comes to breast cancer, we know early diagnosis is the key to survival. This new service means more Victorians in Shepparton can access life-saving, free breast cancer tests, closer to home.”

“Thanks to earlier detection and better treatments, more Victorians are surviving breast cancer. We’re making it easier for women in Shepparton to get screened and find cancer early.”

Quotes attributable to BreastScreen Victoria CEO Terri Smith

“We’re excited that a new BreastScreen Victoria Reading and Assessment Service in Shepparton will make it much easier for our clients in Goulburn Valley to get further testing locally, without travelling to Melbourne or interstate.”

“If you’re aged over 50, a breast screen every two years is an important way to look after your health – it’s free, takes just 10 minutes, and could save your life.”

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