Backing Victorian Businesses And Their Workers

Sunday 30 May 2021

The Victorian Government is backing businesses most affected by the seven-day circuit breaker action, including operators in the hospitality, retail, events and creative industries with further targeted support.

Victorians and Victorian businesses are doing the hard thing, but the right thing - keeping their doors shut to keep all of us safe. That’s why we are announcing a $250.7 million Circuit Breaker Business Support Package to help up to 90,000 Victorian businesses that have been affected by the restrictions that will run until 11:59pm on Thursday, 3 June.

The package features three initiatives for small to medium-sized businesses and sole traders. 

The $190.01 million second round of the Business Costs Assistance Program will offer grants of $2,500 for eligible businesses directly affected by the circuit-breaker industry restrictions, including restaurants and cafes, event suppliers, accommodation providers and non-essential retailers. 

A $40.7 million new round of the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund will provide businesses holding an eligible liquor licence and food certificate with a $3,500 grant per premises.  

An allocation of $20 million will be dedicated to supporting operators in the events industry who have incurred losses due to the circuit-breaker restrictions, with more details to be provided shortly.

Businesses can register their interest in the Business Costs Assistance Program at in a new window), so they can be notified when applications open this week. Operators eligible for the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund payment will be contacted directly by email in coming days.

The new package builds on more than $6 billion in direct economic support from the Labor Government to help businesses get through the pandemic, including through three rounds of the Business Support Fund.  

More information about the Circuit Breaker Business Support Package is available at in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier James Merlino 

“The circuit-breaker action will keep Victorians safe and protect businesses and jobs – but we know it’s not easy shutting your doors and putting your plans on hold.”

“This support will help businesses pay the bills and maintain their workforce as best they can, as we work together to get through this challenge.”

Quote attributable to Treasurer Tim Pallas

“We're doing our part to support Victorian businesses and their workers- just as we have done right throughout the pandemic."

Quote attributable to Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Martin Pakula

“Victorian businesses have shown amazing resilience and determination over the past 15 months, and this package will provide meaningful support where it is most needed.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Small Business Jaala Pulford

“Small businesses are crucial to our economy and beyond dollars and cents, important contributors to local communities – we’re proud to stand with them and their workers.”

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