Around The Clock Services Protect Victims Of Family Violence

Friday 3 August 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is protecting women and children from family violence, providing ongoing funding for eight local refuge providers to operate 24/7.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley announced the $27.7 million funding at this week’s 10-year anniversary celebration of McAuley Services for Women.

McAuley provides safe accommodation and support for women and their children – and links them with health programs, employment services and support, to recover from violence, homelessness and mental illness.

The funding will continue over four years to expand the after-hours refuge responses for victims of family violence, so they have access to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Other providers supported with this investment include Annie North, Good Samaritan Inn, Berry Street, Salavation Army Crossroads, WAYSS Ltd, Elizabeth Morgan House and Safe Futures Foundation.

The 24/7 refuges were established in response to the 2016 Royal Commission into Family Violence, which recommended improving access to after-hours crisis support immediately after serious family violence incidents.

This was part of a wider $152 million Family Violence Housing Blitz – designed to increase crisis and emergency accommodation options and redevelop family violence refuges.

The Labor Government is implementing all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The Andrews Labor Government has invested more than $300 million to boost social housing stock, redevelop refuges, expand Safe at Home programs and provide rental assistance for family violence survivors to find housing safely and quickly.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“Family violence doesn’t just happen between nine and five – in fact a significant proportion of incidents attended by police occur after-hours.” 

“This is why we must have around the clock support and safety services available across the State for victims of family violence, to help keep Victorian families safe.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Natalie Hutchins

“Having a roof over your head and feeling safe are critical to recovery from family violence. This funding will go a long way to helping women and children when they need it most.”

Quote attributable to Member for Footscray Marsha Thomson

Over the last decade, McAuley Services for Women has worked tirelessly to protect women and children from family violence. They have made a considerable difference in the lives of many women when they have been at their most vulnerable. I’m proud to be part of a government that continues to invest in these services.”