Apprentices – like Laura and Ethan here – are Victoria’s future.

Thursday 4 February 2016

Apprentices – like Laura and Ethan here – are Victoria’s future.

They’ll spend an entire career building our homes and powering our lives.

And they don’t ask for much in return, other than a stable job, a decent life and a bit of support from the Government for the work they do.

After all, working people need Governments to make good decisions.

So it’s a real shame that Liberal Governments tend to make bad ones.

Who will ever forget what happened when the Victorian Liberal Government cut TAFE and brought the entire training system to a halt?

And who will ever forgive the Federal Liberal Government for doing the same thing: cutting funding for apprentices and trainees like Laura and Ethan, and leaving their future up in the air?

If Malcolm Turnbull wants to walk away from workers and their families, then so be it.

He can wear it.

In Victoria, we’re not just going to sit back and complain.

We’re going to do something about it.

I’m proud to say that we’re providing funding to the 17,000 apprentices and trainees that the Federal Liberal Government abandoned.

Because they each deserve a chance to succeed.

They each deserve to begin a career and build a decent life for themselves.

Their parents have worked so hard to give them a good start.

We won’t let them down.