Another 80 Police And PSOs Join The Frontline

Friday 1 September 2017

The Andrews Labor Government’s record community safety investment continues at full speed, with another 80 police and Protective Services Officers (PSOs) graduating today.

Minister for Police Lisa Neville today attended a graduation ceremony in Glen Waverley, where she congratulated the 58 new police officers and 22 new PSOs graduating from squads 16 and 17.

The Police Academy is operating at full capacity – and this will continue for the next few years –  as record numbers of new recruits are being trained, due to record funding from the Labor Government to get more police out on the beat.

The latest graduates reflect the diversity of the Victorian community with 11 born overseas, including China, Russia, Bangladesh, New Zealand, the UK, England, France, South Africa and Papua New Guinea.

The Government is delivering on its commitment to train and deploy 3135 new police officers over five years.

A total of 2,729 new recruits were funded as part of the Government’s record $2 billion investment in Victoria Police, while 406 new police were included in the Victorian Budget 2016/17.

The first 300 of the new police officers are now rolling out to Victoria’s booming growth areas.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“An additional 80 police officers and PSOs graduated today. The Police Academy is operating at full capacity as record numbers of new recruits pass through these doors.”

“Our latest graduates will bolster the front line in some of the fastest growing areas in Victoria and will work directly with communities to tackle crime.”

“We’ve invested a record $2 billion dollars to boost police numbers, upgrade stations, roll out new technologies and build a new training facility.”