Addressing Teenage Family Violence In The Home

Friday 24 August 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is providing greater support to address the behaviours of teenagers who use violence in the home.

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today announced $1.35 million over two years to strengthen and expand services that are working to reduce adolescent violence in the home.

The Adolescent Family Violence Program aims to reduce family violence and increase the safety of all impacted family members through family-based case management and group-based support to young people.

The program is targeted at young people aged 12 to 17 and their families; and will support the delivery of The Orange Door sites in the Bayside Peninsula, Barwon and Mallee.

Young people who access the service are helped to address issues that may be contributing to, or resulting from, their use of violence, such as mental health, homelessness and disengagement from education.

The program also includes strengthening the parent-adolescent relationship through the development of communication, problem-solving and relationship skills within the family.

Any services designed and delivered for Aboriginal adolescents will be led by Aboriginal communities through the Indigenous Family Violence Partnership Forum.

This investment responds to key recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence to expand the Adolescent Family Violence Program state wide and link the program with the Youth Justice Group Conference.

It also aligns with the Labor Government’s Roadmap for Reform, which aims to shift the children and family services system from crisis response to early intervention and prevention.

It is part of the Labor Government’s unprecedented $2.6 billion investment to address the scourge of family violence.

This record investment includes $49.8 million over four years for therapeutic and flexible support for women, children and young people.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“It’s critical we intervene earlier when young people are vulnerable and at risk of continuing to use family violence into adulthood.”

“We must address family violence in the home and support families, no matter whether the perpetrator is an adult or a young person.”