$5 Million For GOTAFE To Boost Learning Support

Friday 8 April 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is restoring GOTAFE’s Community Service funding, with a $5.3 million boost to support vulnerable students.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert visited GoTAFE’s Shepparton campus to announce the Community Service funding, which is part of the Labor Government’s $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund.

The fund is a boost for vital programs that support disadvantaged Shepparton locals to access training and support, including its Literacy and Numeracy support program.

With this extra funding, GOTAFE expects the program to be expanded from helping just 150 students in 2015 to around 4000 students.

The extra students will receive additional support from the TAFE, focussing on their literacy and numeracy skills. One of the main reasons students drop out of training is a lack of foundation knowledge, and this program will help vulnerable students finish their training so they have the best start in life.

The institute plan to grow its support for indigenous students through its Centre for Koori Education. The centre will place more of a focus on supporting work placement and participation within industry for Koori students.

Coalition funding cuts devastated TAFEs across the state, ripping away funding needed to provide vital student services and support for disadvantaged and vulnerable students.

Mr Herbert also opened Shepparton’s Skills and Jobs Centre which will be the first point-of-call for employers looking to take on an apprentice, students looking to start training, workers needing to reskill and unemployed workers needing support to re-enter the workforce.

The Centre is one of 20 around the state, funded from $16 million from the Labor Government.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“TAFEs across Victoria help disadvantaged students access training and job opportunities and this funding will help improve support for them.”

“GOTAFE plays such an important role in training Shepparton locals and we’re making sure it has the resources it needs to provide that quality training.”