$1 Million Boost For Training And Skills In Geelong

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Geelong locals will benefit from a $15 million Andrews Labor Government commitment to establish one-stop-shop Skills and Jobs Centres across Victoria.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert visited Geelong this morning, where he announced the organisation will receive $1 million towards its Skills and Jobs Centres.

The Gordon will run two centres, one at the State Government Building on Little Malop Street, and a satellite centre in Werribee.

The two hubs will be the first point-of-call for students looking to start training, workers needing to reskill, unemployed workers needing support for retraining and work placement and for employers.

The former Liberal Government’s cuts to the training sector came at the same time that unemployment and youth unemployment were at extremely high levels.

The unemployment level in Geelong under the former Government skyrocketed to 9.1 per cent in August 2014 compared to 6.1 per cent in August 2015.

These centres will help link jobseekers and employers to ensure they’re engaged in quality training that’ll lead to a job at the end of their course.

The Labor Government recognises that strong industry links are vital in boosting outcomes for students to make sure they get a job after they finish training.

The Gordon will set up a pop-up Skills and Jobs Centre at Westfield Geelong before the opening of the permanent centre in February next year. The Werribee satellite centre will open in December.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

 “This Andrews Labor Government funding will help ensure everyone has quality access to training so they can get off the treadmill of unemployment and onto the footpath of success.”

“Our election commitment to create Skills and Jobs Centres will help all our TAFEs build on those vitally important links with industry to make sure Victorians get the skills they need to find a job.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“The Geelong Skills and Jobs Centre will eliminate confusion about where to get help for locals who want to start training or re-skill in a new industry.”

 Quotes attributable to Member for Werribee Tim Pallas

“It’s fantastic that Werribee locals will have access to the Skills and Jobs Centre through a satellite centre so they can get the information they need to get into training or get skilled up in new industries.”