Victoria’s 50th New Mobile Tower Launched At Moonambel

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Residents and visitors in the Moonambel area will see significant improvements in mobile coverage and connectivity from today, after the launch of a new mobile base station to eliminate black spots in the area.

It’s the 50th base station built as a result of the Andrews Labor Government and Telstra’s successful joint bid under round one of the Commonwealth’s $100 million Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP).

The Moonambel base station will provide expanded 3G and 4G coverage for the 410 residents and businesses in the area. It is the second base station built in the area under round one of the program, with a third tower to be built in Landsborough/Frenchmans over the next two years.

Nearly half of Victoria’s 109 mobile base stations from round one of the MBSP have now been constructed and activated, with another 43 sites expected to be up and running by the end of 2017.

The sites will significantly improve mobile coverage and connectivity for up to 12,000 households and businesses across regional Victoria and are expected to boost the state’s regional economy by $120 million per year.

They will also improve public safety and access to emergency information during emergencies such as bushfires.

A further 32 mobile towers will be built in Victoria thanks to the Labor Government’s joint bids with Telstra and Optus under round two of the MBSP. This includes three new Optus towers at Amphitheatre, Lexton and Waubra.

The Labor Government provided $11 million in the Victorian Budget 2017/18 to support the bids for round three of the Commonwealth’s MBSP.

The Government is exploring opportunities to work with the Commonwealth, local governments and mobile carriers to increase mobile coverage in Victorian communities that have so far missed out on funding.

A full list of locations being funded under the MBSP is available at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade Philip Dalidakis

We’ve boosted mobile connectivity in 50 regional and rural communities across the state, ensuring people in Moonambel can access reliable mobile services when they need them.”

“We will continue to work with the Commonwealth, the carriers and local government to ensure Victoria’s most isolated communities get the funding and coverage they need.”

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development Danielle Green

“Having adequate mobile coverage is vital for people living outside major cities. Boosting connectivity improves safety, tourism, business growth and access to health and education services.”

“We will continue to work closely with a number of agencies including Emergency Management Victoria, local government and community groups to ensure we prioritise the state’s most vulnerable regional communities.”