Statewide Housing Register To Better Support Disadvantaged Victorians

Friday 18 September 2015

The Andrews Labor Government will make applying for social housing simpler by developing a Common Housing Register, Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley announced today.

The new register will provide a fair and easy way for households to access a broad range of social housing options.

Applicants will only need to fill out one form, allowing for every community housing organisation to allocate vacant properties from the state-wide register according to need.

Social housing in Victoria is managed by the Director of Housing and 42 housing providers or associations, many with their own application process and wait list.

To be considered for all available social housing, Victorians need to apply to each of these organisations separately.

The Labor Government will consult with homelessness and community housing services to ensure the views of the people they serve are heard and incorporated, so that the register can best serve those in need.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability & Ageing Martin Foley

“The current system is confusing, time-consuming and inconsistent. It’s time to fix it.”

“We need to get our most needy into the right houses as quickly as possible, and this is the way to do it.”

Quotes attributable to CEO of Council to Homeless Persons Ms Jenny Smith

“The current processes to get into social housing can be complicated, opaque and frustrating for people experiencing homelessness.”

“A single state-wide housing register for all public and community housing applications will provide a clearer and simpler method of access for consumers and a transparent system of allocating vacancies when they arise.''

Quotes attributable to CEO of the Community Housing Federation of Victoria Ms Lesley Dredge

"The community housing sector supports simplifying the system for people who are looking for housing. The introduction of one application process should make the system more equitable and easier to navigate.”

“We look forward to working with the Government on its development."