Significant Step Towards Self-Determination

Thursday 17 March 2016

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Natalie Hutchins today congratulated the Victorian Local Aboriginal Networks (LANs) on the establishment of their Five Year Plan, a significant step towards self-determination.

Launching the Five Year Plan in Werribee today, Ms Hutchins said the LANs provide a voice for Aboriginal people across Victoria by building relationships with local services providers, local government and other organisations to help identify the needs of their local communities and to promote reconciliation.

The LANs empower Aboriginal people to lead decision making by running community gatherings which provide an inclusive, culturally affirming space in which to participate.

The Five Year Plan identifies six priority areas to guide government action and ensure future success and sustainability of the networks. They are:

  • Strengthening culture
  • Support for young people
  • Economic participation
  • Building a stronger LAN
  • Community planning and partnerships
  • Working with local government

Thirty nine Local Aboriginal Networks (LANs) across the state regularly engage with more than 2,000 Aboriginal people living in Victoria.

The plan demonstrates the strong partnership between the Aboriginal community, the Victorian Government, Local Government, Commonwealth Government and non-Government organisations.

Ms Hutchins congratulated the many Aboriginal Victorians who contributed to the development of the plan, including the hundreds of LAN participants.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“Local Aboriginal Networks are at the heart of reconciliation and self-determination, providing a voice for Victoria’s Aboriginal communities so they can lead the decision making around the important issues that directly affect their lives.”

“We’ve made it clear to all Victorians that we have a solid commitment to self-determination for Aboriginal people as the Aboriginal Victorian community know what is best for their community.”

“Already more than 2,000 Aboriginal Victorians are involved in the Local Aboriginal Networks, and as we move forward I’m certain that number will continue to grow.”