Help Us Shape The Education State

Tuesday 9 June 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is asking all Victorians to have their say about the future of our education system.

Launching discussion papers at the State Library today, alongside Minister for Education, James Merlino, the Premier said that our economy is changing, and our education system needs to change with it.

A two-month consultation will seek the views of students, parents, carers, teachers, principals, school council members, businesses and community groups.

The consultation will also test the development of specific targets for the improvement of our education system.

The 2015-16 Victorian Budget laid the foundations for the Education State, with $3.9 billion to help repair the damage left by the previous Liberal Government.

But we need to do more. While Victoria has a good education system, our challenges include:

  • Too many young children not developing fast enough for school
  • Student achievement that’s stalling in some areas
  • 10,000 young Victorians dropping out of school in years 9 to 11 every year
  • A further 6,000 leaving school to get training, only to give up within a year
  • People missing out on training, with TAFE enrolments dropping

The dedication of our teachers, principals, parents, carers and students makes our education system strong. But with the accelerating pace of change in our economy, we need to think differently.

For more information on the Education State or to find details on upcoming consultations across Victoria visit

Quotes attributable to Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

“We’re inviting every Victorian to have their say about their education system and their future.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education, James Merlino

“We owe nothing less to Victoria’s students and families than access to a great government school, excellent learning and teaching in every classroom and the promise of a bright future for every child.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert

"Victoria needs a stable training system that meets the needs of business, industry and the community – that’s internationally recognised as a source of high-quality, job-ready graduates.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos

"A great education system values early learning. All Victorian children should participate in high-quality and affordable kinder programs, to get the very best start in life."