Diverse New Regional Partnerships Members Announced

Thursday 4 August 2016

Visionary volunteers and Aboriginal leaders, regional health advocates and education champions, innovators and entrepreneurs are among the inaugural members of the Andrews Labor Government’s Regional Partnerships.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford today launched the Labor Government’s Regional Partnerships and congratulated the 80 community members who will be steering them.

Regional Partnerships are being established in Barwon, Central Highlands, Gippsland, Goulburn, Great South Coast, Loddon Campaspe, Ovens Murray, Mallee and Wimmera Southern Mallee and will transform the way rural and regional Victorians engage with government, as well as giving people a greater say about their local area.

The new members have diverse backgrounds and broad experience, and include representatives from the community, business and the three tiers of government.

Together, they have a deep understanding of the opportunities and challenges facing local families, workers and businesses in their regional communities.

Tourism, health, education, food and fibre, the arts, sport, small business, entrepreneurship and volunteerism are among the sectors represented by the Regional Partnership members.

Women are well represented, with 41 women appointed and five female Chairs.

The Regional Partnerships are the centrepiece of the Labor Government’s Regional Statement, which was released in November last year, replacing Regional Management Forums and delivering key recommendations directly to the Labor Government’s new Rural and Regional Ministerial Committee.

Each Regional Partnership will hold a Regional Assembly later this year to further engage community members, councils and other elected officials on the priorities for their region.

The nine Regional Partnership Chairs will also discuss cross-regional issues and opportunities as part of the Regional Development Advisory Committee.

Quotes attributable to the Premier Daniel Andrews

“Regional Partnerships represent a new way for the government to work with rural and regional communities.”

The new members of the Regional Partnerships will work together to harness the good ideas, energy and the passion of their local communities to make them stronger, more resilient and prosperous.”

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

The new Regional Partnership members are passionate locals who will strongly represent their region and help direct regional priorities straight into the heart of government.”

“Each region has its own history and way of setting strategic directions and priorities. The work of the Regional Partnerships will build on this work by finally giving regional communities a direct path to government.”